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White background in gnuplot data points

Dears helpers, I want to plot an errorbars on the top of my bar chart. So I used "with errorbars" option and set pointsize to 0.1 so that they will be very small. However, when I set pointsize less than 1, there is a white background like this:

The circle should be in blue or red, but it is white:

enter image description here

I used gnuplot on Windows, I have tried several versions from 5.4.5 to 5.4.8 but the problem is still unsolved.

Here is my gnuplot code:

$data1 << EOD
#Plan_1 Plan2
#50.4/28    50.25
49.8523456  49.49061091 2.49261728  2.474530546 0.005
44.15166667 43.608  2.207583333 2.1804  <0.005
53.68666667 53.492  2.684333333 2.6746  0.005
52.57555556 52.263  2.628777778 2.61315 0.005
45.48722222 45.53   2.274361111 2.2765  0.005
52.87444444 52.539  2.643722222 2.62695 0.005
45.27277778 45.275  2.263638889 2.26375 0.005
50.98   50.384  2.549   2.5192  0.005

set term wxt 0 enhanced
set encoding utf8
set lmargin 10
set bmargin 5
set tics font 'Arial,16'
set xlabel 'DVH parameters' font 'Arial,16' offset 0,-1
set ylabel 'Dose (Gy)' font 'Arial,16' offset -2,0
set title 'PTV_{45}' font 'Arial,16'
set boxwidth width
set style data histogram
set style fill solid
set style histogram cluster gap 1
set xtic scale 0
set auto x
set key font 'Arial,16'
set yrange [30:75]
set xrange [-1:8]
set xtics ('D_{mean}' 0,'D_{min}' 1,'D_{max}' 2,'D_{5}' 3,'D_{95}' 4,'D_{2}' 5,'D_{98}' 6,'D_{50}' 7)
set bars 2
plot $data1 u ($0-width/2):1 w boxes lc 3 t '50.4/28',\
     $data1 u ($0+width/2):2 w boxes lc 7 t '50/25',\
     $data1 u ($0-width/2):($1-5):($3) w errorbars pt 7 ps 0.1 lc 8 notitle,\
     $data1 u ($0+width/2):2:($4) w errorbars pt 1 ps 0.1 lc 8 notitle,\
     $data1 u 0:($1+4):5 w labels rotate by 0 font "Times,10" notitle

I have tried several versions from 5.4.5 to 5.4.8 but the problem is still unsolved.


  • The size of the white circle is controlled by set pointintervalbox. It can be reduced to zero by set pointintervalbox 0. This is quite hard to find in the documentation, but here are the relevant manual sections:

    help yerrorbars

    The yerrorbars (or errorbars) style is only relevant to 2D data plots. yerrorbars is like points, except that a vertical error bar is also drawn. At each point (x,y), a line is drawn from (x,y-ydelta) to (x,y+ydelta) or from (x,ylow) to (x,yhigh), depending on how many data columns are provided. The appearance of the tic mark at the ends of the bar is controlled by set errorbars. The clearance between the point and the error bars is controlled by set pointintervalbox.

    help set pointintervalbox

    The pointinterval and pointnumber properties of a line type are used only in plot style linespoints. A negative value of pointinterval or pointnumber, e.g. -N, means that before the selected set of point symbols are drawn a box (actually circle) behind each point symbol is blanked out by filling with the background color. The command set pointintervalbox controls the radius of this blanked-out region. It is a multiplier for the default radius, which is equal to the point size.