I would like to use Durable functions to connect to services such as CosmosDB and Event Grid.
I created the code to connect to CosmosDB and Event Grid by referring to the official MS documentation. The following is the code.
However, it does not work because I get an error like the one shown in the picture. Please let me know the cause and solution.
I am using Python programming model v2.
import azure.functions as func
import azure.durable_functions as df
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
app = df.DFApp(http_auth_level=func.AuthLevel.ANONYMOUS)
async def client_function(req: func.HttpRequest, client: df.DurableOrchestrationClient) -> func.HttpResponse:
instance_id = await client.start_new("orchestrator", None)
logging.info(f"Started orchestration with ID = '{instance_id}'.")
await client.wait_for_completion_or_create_check_status_response(req, instance_id)
status = await client.get_status(instance_id)
return f"runtime: {status.runtime_status}\n\noutput:\n {status.output}"
def orchestrator(context: df.DurableOrchestrationContext) -> dict:
test = yield context.call_activity('main', '')
return {"result", connected}
def main(blank: str,
outputblob: func.Out[str],
outputDocument: func.Out[func.Document]):
return "ok"
You need to use container_name
instead of collection_name
and for connection, use connection
instead of connection_string_setting
for extension version 4.x. You can refer to this ms docs.
I have used the below code and getting expected result.
import azure.functions as func
import azure.durable_functions as df
import logging
app = df.DFApp(http_auth_level=func.AuthLevel.ANONYMOUS)
### client function ###
async def client_function(req: func.HttpRequest, client: df.DurableOrchestrationClient) -> func.HttpResponse:
instance_id = await client.start_new("orchestrator", None, {})
logging.info(f"Started orchestration with ID = '{instance_id}'.")
await client.wait_for_completion_or_create_check_status_response(req, instance_id)
status = await client.get_status(instance_id)
return f"runtime: {status.runtime_status}\n\noutput: {status.output}"
### orchestrator function ###
def orchestrator(context: df.DurableOrchestrationContext) -> dict:
test = yield context.call_activity("main", "")
return {"Connected": test}
### activity function ###
# I want to calculate the value and output it to the bound service.
def main(blank: str,
outputEvent: func.Out[str],
outputDocument: func.Out[func.Document]):
return "OK"