I'm trying to run a simulation study using a linear mixed model. As an example and in order to present the same error that I have been facing, I am posting here the structure of my model using Orthodont data as an example. My model is defined as follows:
model_example <- lmer(distance~age + (1|Subject) + (1|Sex), Orthodont)
At this stage, I'm extracting the variance component values:
sigma_Subject <- VarCorr(model_example)[[1]][1]; sigma_Subject
sigma_Sex <- VarCorr(model_example)[[2]][1]; sigma_Sex
sigma_error <- (summary(model_example)$sigma)^2; sigma_error
The simulation study is structured as follows:
nboot = 100
sim <- function(nboot,
# X matriz for fixed effects
X <- model.matrix(model_example)
# fixed effects
beta <- matrix(c(beta.int,
ncol = 1)
# Z matrix
Z <- model.matrix( ~ -1 + Subject + Sex, Orthodont)
# covariance matrix for error
R <- sigma2*diag(1, dim(Orthodont)[1])
# covariance matrix for random effects
G <- diag(c(sigma2_Subject,
# simulating the error of multivariate normal distribution
e <- t(mvrnorm(n = nboot,
rep(0, times=dim(dados)[1]),
empirical = FALSE))
# simulating for random effects
u <- t(mvrnorm(n = nboot,
rep(0, times = 2),
empirical = FALSE))
y <- X%*%beta%*%matrix(1, nrow = 1, ncol = nboot) + Z%*%u + e
Y <- sim(nboot = 100, #replicates for simulation
dados = Orthodont,
modelo = model_example,
beta.int = model_example@beta[1],
beta.age = model_example@beta[2],
sigma2 = 2.04,#Compvar for error
sigma2_Subject = 3.26, #Compvar for subject
sigma2_Sex = 2.40 #Compvar for sex
data_simulated <- cbind(Orthodont[,c("age",
"Subject", "Sex")],
However, I believe that my Z matrix and my G matrix are incorrectly defined, as I have been experiencing the following error: Error in Z %*% u : non-conformable arguments
There should be some repetitions in Z
and G
Here is how to get the marginal variance-covariance matrix of the "errors terms" of the model. Thus, to simulate from the model, you'll just have to simulate from a multivariate normal distribution having this variance matrix and with mean obtained from the "fixed part" of the model.
# marginal variance-covariance matrix
Vmatrix <- function(vcs, sigma2, reTrms){
G <- Diagonal(x = rep(vcs, times = diff(reTrms$Gp)))
Zt <- reTrms$Zt # transpose of the Z matrix
H <- Diagonal(ncol(Zt)) + t(Zt) %*% G %*% Zt
sigma2 * H
The vcs
argument is for the variance components. To get those estimated from the model, you can do:
fit <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
sigma2 <- sigma(fit)^2
# variance components
vcs <- sapply(VarCorr(fit), "[[", 1L) / sigma2
The reTrms
argument is obtained with the lFormula
reTrms <- lFormula(formula(fit), data = fit@frame)$reTrms