I would like to get the total number of messages in a conversation using NodeJS client. I found there is a method for Conversation: https://sdk.twilio.com/js/conversations/releases/2.1.0/docs/classes/Conversation.html#getMessagesCount
However, that method is not available in node lib: https://www.twilio.com/docs/conversations/api/conversation-resource
I am fetching a conversation by:
const userConversation = await client.conversations
const conversation = await client.conversations
Both UserConversationInstance
and ConversationInstance
do not have that method.
I am using "twilio": "^3.70.0",
The way I can get number of messages by get the whole list of message and get its size. It must not be the best way to do. Could you help me another way to get it?
let messages = await client.conversations
let messagesCount = messages.length;
UPDATE using @twilio/conversations
import twilio from "twilio";
import { Client } from '@twilio/conversations';
const AccessToken = twilio.jwt.AccessToken;
const ChatGrant = AccessToken.ChatGrant;
const chatGrant = new ChatGrant({
serviceSid: conversationServiceSID,
const token = new AccessToken(
{identity: userId}
const newclient = new Client(token.toJwt());
let conversation = await newclient.getConversationBySid(conversationSID);
let messagesCount = await conversation.getMessagesCount();
I think you're looking the the main nodejs package from twilio. However, you linked the docs of @twilio/conversations
You're probably fine when you switch to the other library there.