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await till the end of exectuion of dynamically generated async code in python

I am creating an async python function during runtime. It can be created as a plain string / python ast object. Then I execute the code using exec().

I want to run the generated code and wait till the execution ends for it. I generate the function, and then inejcting code so that the final code looks like this-

import asyncio

async def my_app():
    # some async calls etc

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
task = loop.create_task(my_app())

In my caller code, I am doing

await asyncio.sleep(0)

I was having trouble doing await my_app() in the python code (caller is already an async function). According to my understanding, the sleep(0) gives control to the event loop to process other tasks. But I am not sure how this will work out if the code generated makes multiple async calls (which it possibly will). How to assure the exectuon finished.


  • If you really do need to: generate an async function, exec it in a namespace, grab the reference to the function, and run it as usual.

    import asyncio
    generated_code = """
    import asyncio
    async def my_app():
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        # some async calls etc
    async def go():
        ns = {}
        exec(generated_code, ns)
        my_task = asyncio.create_task(ns["my_app"]())
        await my_task

    EDIT: Re the comments; instead of global variables, pass in an object to modify (a dataclass here for brevity's sake):

    import asyncio
    from dataclasses import dataclass
    generated_code = """
    import asyncio
    async def my_app(state):
        state.age *= 2 =[::-1]
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
    class MyState:
        name: str
        age: int
    async def go():
        state = MyState(name="Arthur", age=42)
        ns = {}
        exec(generated_code, ns)
        print("State before", state)
        my_task = asyncio.create_task(ns["my_app"](state))
        await my_task
        print("State after", state)

    This outputs

    State before MyState(name='Arthur', age=42)
    State after MyState(name='ruhtrA', age=84)