I need to recieve some data from binance api. And when coins changes, i need to update url of websocket. But I want to spend as little time as possible.To avoid overloading the main thread, I create the websocket in a separate process This is code, how i impletemented this:
from functools import partial
from threading import Thread
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager
import time
import json
import websocket
import requests
def on_message(_wsa, result, prices):
result = json.loads(result)
prices[result['s']]['best_bid'] = result['b']
prices[result['s']]['best_ask'] = result['a']
def start_stream_currency(curr_list,prices):
url = 'wss://fstream.binance.com/ws'
manager = Manager()
for curr in curr_list:
url += '/' + curr.lower() + '@bookTicker'
wsa = websocket.WebSocketApp(url, on_message=partial(on_message, prices=prices))
for curr in curr_list:
prices[curr] = manager.dict()
def check_price_symbols(prices): # This func check prices from websocket
while True:
for key, value in prices.copy().items():
print(f"{key} {value}")
#some calculations
def main():
prices = Manager().dict()
th = Thread(target=check_price_symbols, args=(prices,))
curr_list = ['BTCUSDT','ADAUSDT']
pr = Process(target=start_stream_currency, args=(curr_list,prices))
print('Restart starting')
curr_list2 = ['ADAUSDT','XRPUSDT']
pr2 = Process(target=start_stream_currency, args=(curr_list2, prices))
del prices['BTCUSDT']
if __name__ =='__main__':
Need to close old process when new process is already running. Can anyone tell me how best to implement this?
There's no need to restart the process or even the WebSocket connection.
A cleaner way to continue the same WebSocket connection but with a change of symbols is through the 'Live Subscribe/Unsubscribe' method, which is described in the Futures API documentation in the 'WebSocket Market Stream' section.