I'm new to Neo4j and I'm working on poc where there are multiple services that can read and write to each other and modeled with <CAN_READ(INCOMING):CAN_WRITE(OUTGOING)> directed relationships as shown in the image below. I want to find all paths from A to F through compute services which can read from A and write to Service F and compute service should also able to write data to Service D. So the query should able to return paths highlighted in green and purple.
I have tried the below query which is giving Compute Services B,C and Storage Service A and Database Service F but Service D is not part of result path
What I'm trying to achieve is, I'm trying to find the services that can read from a service and write to multiple other services with the same relations
Query : MATCH p= (m:Service WHERE m.name = "A")-[r1:CAN_READ]->(n:Service)-[r2:CAN_WRITE]->(o:Service WHERE o.name = "F"),(n)-[r3:CAN_WRITE]->(t:Service WHERE t.name = "D") RETURN p
Result Output Paths: (A)<-[:CAN_READ]-(B)-[:WRITE_TO]->(F), (A)<-[:CAN_READ]-(C)-[:WRITE_TO]->(F)
How to get the node D as part of output path? Will i able to get the node D as part of output or it will be omitted as it not part of the primary MATCH path ? Do I need to use any other functions or features of neo4j to achieve the same
Paths are linear, so it isn't possible to have a result with D
as part of the same path as A
, B
and F
(without re-traversing the relationship that joins B
and D
—but that would yield a path with B
appearing twice i.e. A->B->D->B->F
You can assign the second pattern to another path variable e.g. q
and return that along with p
MATCH p = (:Service {name: "A"})-[r1:CAN_READ]->(n:Service)-[r2:CAN_WRITE]->
(:Service {name: "F"}),
q = (n)-[r3:CAN_WRITE]->(:Service {name: "D"})
│p │q │
│(:Service {name: "A"})-[:CAN_READ]->(:Service {name: "B"})-[:CAN_WRITE│(:Service {name: "B"})-[:CAN_WRITE]->(:Service {name: "D"})│
│]->(:Service {name: "F"}) │ │
│(:Service {name: "A"})-[:CAN_READ]->(:Service {name: "C"})-[:CAN_WRITE│(:Service {name: "C"})-[:CAN_WRITE]->(:Service {name: "D"})│
│]->(:Service {name: "F"}) │ │