Sorry for my poor English.
I'm using ffmpeg-cli-wrapper library in java
[main] INFO net.bramp.ffmpeg.RunProcessFunction - .\ffprobe.exe -version
[main] INFO net.bramp.ffmpeg.RunProcessFunction - .\ffprobe.exe -v quiet -print_format json -show_error -show_format -show_streams -show_chapters
How to remove this log?
try this:
/logger name="net.bramp.ffmpeg" level="OFF"/ in logback.xml
but not work...
RunProcessFunction src:
According to the library's pom.xml, I see that ffmpeg-cli-wrapper uses logback 1.2.11. I would try to add a logback.xml basic configuration file to your project, and configure disabling the logger for that lib/class there. See this question, which has an example of a logback.xml config file, with answer that disables log for a specific class of exception.