It feels like some of the data is being cut off somewhere:
@exec('7za.exe" e -so "" "img.jpg"', $out);
$out - is a array of bin data $data = implode( "" , $out ); imagecreatefromstring($data); // not working
if added "\r\n" to implode(): $data = implode( "\r\n" , $out ); imagecreatefromstring($data); // creates a distorted image. enter image description here
File is correct, and reading with other functions is normal, but i'm need to use a local 7za.exe, not built-in functions.
is only meant for programs that output text. Here you need to get binary content, so you should use passthru()
To capture the result, you will need to use output buffering:
passthru('7za.exe ...');
$data = ob_get_clean();
$im = imagecreatefromstring($data);