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Flag WooCommerce orders using REST API using custom metadata so I don't sync them again

I am syncing orders between my WooCommerce store and a 3rd party tool, and I am re-making the sync program using the REST API. I want to get a batch of new orders, and after inserting them into the db I want to set a status or flag so that the next time I ask for a batch of orders, I don't get the same ones.


That details how to get orders, and it works. I don't want to use the STATUS field because shop managers can change it. I don't want to exclude a list of order IDs because it will become too long over time. Looking for a field that I can use to limit the orders returned to the ones I haven't seen yet, and be able to update that field after it has been successfully synced. Seem possible?

A field that already exists or a way to create one?

I want to know if there is a field to mark an order as being previously synced so that I can then request only the new orders that have yet to be synced. Seems like a common thing, and hoping someone has done this and can advise.


  • Updated

    To flag an order, the only way is to add some custom metadata.

    First, when an order is placed by a customer or created manually via the admin, we add our custom metadata to flag it (with a "no" value):

    add_action( 'woocommerce_new_order', 'add_custom_order_metadata', 20, 2 );
    function add_custom_order_metadata( $order_id, $order ) {
        $order->add_meta_data('_order_synced', 'no', true);

    Code goes in functions.php file of your child theme (or in a plugin). Tested and works.

    Below, I use PHP programming language to access WooCommerce REST API.

    Then we query orders to sync that have as metadata "no" value for "_order_synced" key using a GET request:

    $data = [
      "meta_data": [
          "key": "_order_synced",
          "value": "no"
    print_r($woocommerce->get('orders/batch', $data));

    And finally, we will batch update that synced orders using a POST request, changing the metadata value:

    $data = [
      'update' => [
        "meta_data": [
            "key": "_order_synced",
            "value": "yes"
    print_r($woocommerce->post('orders/batch', $data));