Apexchart version: 3.44
When specify hex code on plotOptions in heatmap, getting error
Error: Evaluation failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'dataURI' of undefined at puppeteer_evaluation_script:2:52
I tried to change to string color, such as 'black', 'red', etc. No errors found but the background become gray instead.
plotOptions: {
heatmap: {
radius: 5,
colorScale: {
ranges: [
{ name: 'asd', from: 0, to: 50, color: "#000000" ← here },
{ name: 'samad', from: 51, to: 100, color: "#dddddd" },
{ name: 'samad', from: 101, to: 200, color: "#cccccc" }
useFillColorAsStroke: true,
Working URL in HTML: JSFiddle
QuickChart: URL
Because you have not encoded the hex codes.
Background of the chart canvas. Accepts rgb format (rgb(255,255,120)), colors (red), and URL-encoded hex values (%23ff00ff).
You can use this website for this purpose: https://www.url-encode-decode.com/
#000 becomes %23000
#ddd becomes %23ddd
#ccc becomes %23ccc
Read more on https://quickchart.io/documentation/usage/parameters/