Any idea on how to implement the following function in Scala 3?
I am okay with inline
or not, and generally, a slight syntax change is ok (even macros are fine).
But I don't know how to do this without asInstanceOf
type Pred[A] = A => Boolean
/** Computes values of predicates and combines them with `&&`.
* The implementation does not use `asInstanceOf` or `isInstanceOf` */
inline def tupled[Args <: Tuple](inline preds: Tuple.Map[Args,Pred], inline args: Args): Boolean
val pred: (Int => Boolean, Int => Boolean) = (_ < 0, _ > 0)
println(tupled[(Int, Int)](pred)( 1, 2)) // should print false
println(tupled[(Int, Int)](pred)(-1, 2)) // should print true
How about this one:
trait Reducer[Args <: Tuple, Preds <: Tuple]:
def reduce(args: Args, preds: Preds): Boolean
object Reducer:
given Reducer[EmptyTuple, EmptyTuple] = (args, preds) => true
given [H, Args <: Tuple, Preds <: Tuple](using r: Reducer[Args, Preds]): Reducer[H *: Args, (H => Boolean) *: Preds] with
def reduce(args: H *: Args, preds: (H => Boolean) *: Preds): Boolean = (args, preds) match
case (ha *: ta, hp *: tp) => hp(ha) && r.reduce(ta, tp)
type Pred[A] = A => Boolean
/** Computes values of predicates and combines them with `&&`.
* The implementation does not use `asInstanceOf` or `isInstanceOf` */
def tupled[Args <: Tuple](preds: Tuple.Map[Args, Pred], args: Args)
(using r: Reducer[Args, Tuple.Map[Args, Pred]]): Boolean =
r.reduce(args, preds)
scala> val pred: (Int => Boolean, Int => Boolean) = (_ < 0, _ > 0)
| println(tupled[(Int, Int)](pred, ( 1, 2))) // should print false
| println(tupled[(Int, Int)](pred, (-1, 2)))
And we can ignore the type parameter if swap the arguments:
scala> def tupled2[Args <: Tuple](args: Args, preds: Tuple.Map[Args, Pred])
| (using r: Reducer[Args, Tuple.Map[Args, Pred]]): Boolean =
| r.reduce(args, preds)
def tupled2[Args <: Tuple](args: Args, preds: Tuple.Map[Args, Pred])(using r: Reducer[Args, Tuple.Map[Args, Pred]]): Boolean
scala> val pred: (Int => Boolean, Int => Boolean) = (_ < 0, _ > 0)
| println(tupled2(( 1, 2), pred)) // should print false
| println(tupled2((-1, 2), pred))