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How to create a SQL item history stockcard in the MS ACCESS database in VB.NET

I'm trying to create a SQL item history stockcard using an MS Access database in VB.NET. I have the SQL below, but it's not right yet:

SELECT CodeProduct, Sum(IIf(Cat="IN", Qty, 0)) AS [IN], Sum(IIf(Cat="Out", Qty, 0)) AS OUT, Sum(Qty * IIf(Cat="OUT", -1, 1)) AS BALANCE
    SELECT [No], Invono, CodeProduct,Qty, "IN" AS Cat FROM PurchaseDetail
    SELECT [No], Invono, CodeProduct, Qty, "OUT" FROM SalesDetail
)  AS DetailUNION
WHERE CodeProduct = 'A'
GROUP BY CodeProduct;

Results from the above SQL code

A 75 65 10

Sample Data :

Table Purchase

Invono Invodate Transaction Remark NameSC
1000 18-Oct-23 Purchase REPEAT AGAIN TEST1
1001 19-Oct-23 Purchase TEST2

Table PurchaseDetail

Invono No Codeproduct Qty Info
1000 1 A 50 WHITE
1000 2 B 35
1001 1 C 17
1001 2 A 25 BROWN

Table Sales

Invono Invodate Transaction Remark NameSC
1000 18-Oct-23 Sales TEST10
1001 19-Oct-23 Sales TEST20
1002 20-Oct-23 Sales TEST30

Table SalesDetail

Invono No Codeproduct Qty Info
1000 1 A 25 WHITE
1001 1 C 35
1001 2 A 15 WHITE
1002 1 A 25 BROWN

Desired Result

Invono Invodate Transaction No Codeproduct Info Remark NameSC IN OUT BALANCE
1000 18-Oct-23 Purchase 1 A WHITE REPEAT AGAIN TEST1 50 50
1000 18-Oct-23 Sales 1 A WHITE TEST10 25 25
1001 19-Oct-23 Purchase 2 A BROWN TEST2 25 50
1001 19-Oct-23 Sales 2 A WHITE TEST20 15 35
1002 20-Oct-23 Sales 1 A BROWN TEST30 25 10


  • Include Sales and Purchase tables in the UNION lines with INNER JOIN:

    SELECT InvoDate, Transaction, InvoNo, CodeProduct, NameSC, 
    Sum(IIf(Transaction="Purchase", Qty, 0)) AS [IN], 
    Sum(IIf(Transaction="Sales", Qty, 0)) AS OUT, 
    Sum(Qty * IIf(Transaction="Sales", -1, 1)) AS BALANCE
    FROM (
        SELECT [No], InvoDate, Purchase.Invono, CodeProduct, Qty, NameSC, Transaction 
        FROM PurchaseDetail INNER JOIN Purchase 
        ON Purchase.Invono = PurchaseDetail.Invono
        SELECT [No], InvoDate, Sales.Invono, CodeProduct, Qty, NameSC, Transaction 
        FROM SalesDetail INNER JOIN Sales 
        ON Sales.Invono = SalesDetail.Invono
    )  AS DetailUNION
    WHERE CodeProduct = 'A'
    GROUP BY InvoDate, Transaction, InvoNo, CodeProduct, NameSC;
    InvoDate Transaction InvoNo CodeProduct NameSC IN OUT BALANCE
    10/18/2023 Purchase 1000 A TEST1 50 0 50
    10/18/2023 Sales 1000 A TEST10 0 25 -25
    10/19/2023 Purchase 1001 A TEST2 25 0 25
    10/19/2023 Sales 1001 A TEST20 0 15 -15
    10/20/2023 Sales 1002 A TEST30 0 25 -25

    The BALANCE shown in your output sample is a running total. Running total in query is a common topic. It is difficult to accomplish in Access query. One approach uses DSum(), another requires correlated subquery. Each can perform slowly with large dataset. It is simple to produce a running total in Access report using Sorting & Grouping and textbox RunningSum property.

    Your running balance is by CodeProduct. Following version shows running total. Unfortunately, value on each row will not agree with IN OUT BALANCE values because running total subquery is not calculating records in the same order. Also, when there are multiple records for the same date, they show the same value because there is no way to differentiate them in the subquery for sequential calc. This is usually accomplished by querying a table directly and including a unique ID field such as autonumber field in the WHERE clause. Since your data set is a complex query, not just a table, this is not available. However, final balance on last row is correct. Excluded WHERE clause so results will show for all CodeProduct values. Add filtering as you see fit.

    First, the DetailUNION SQL must be a saved query object that is then called to perform the aggregation and running total. Embedding its SQL as a subquery fails.

    New Info: Including NameSC criteria in RunningBal subquery does allow differentiation of multiple same-date records and calculations will then agree. However, I doubt actual data in table can be relied on.

    SELECT InvoDate, Transaction, InvoNo, CodeProduct, NameSC, 
    Sum(IIf(Transaction="Purchase",Qty,0)) AS [IN], 
    Sum(IIf(Transaction="Sales",Qty,0)) AS OUT, 
    Sum(Qty*IIf(Transaction="Sales",-1,1)) AS BALANCE,
    (SELECT Sum(Qty * IIf(Transaction="Sales",-1,1)) 
     FROM DetailUNION as Dupe 
     WHERE Dupe.CodeProduct=DetailUNION.CodeProduct 
     AND Dupe.InvoDate<=DetailUNION.InvoDate 
     AND Dupe.NameSC<=DetailUNION.NameSC) AS RunningBal
    FROM DetailUNION
    GROUP BY InvoDate, Transaction, InvoNo, CodeProduct, NameSC
    ORDER BY CodeProduct, InvoDate, NameSC;
    InvoDate Transaction InvoNo CodeProduct NameSC IN OUT BALANCE RunningBal
    10/18/2023 Purchase 1000 A TEST1 50 0 50 50
    10/18/2023 Sales 1000 A TEST10 0 25 -25 25
    10/19/2023 Purchase 1001 A TEST2 25 0 25 50
    10/19/2023 Sales 1001 A TEST20 0 15 -15 35
    10/20/2023 Sales 1002 A TEST30 0 25 -25 10
    10/18/2023 Purchase 1000 B TEST1 35 0 35 35
    10/19/2023 Purchase 1001 C TEST2 17 0 17 17
    10/19/2023 Sales 1001 C TEST20 0 35 -35 -18