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Reporting services: why is there all this blank space at the start of my chart?

I'm developing a RDLC report using Reporting Services, and I have a column chart that looks like this in the editor:

enter image description here

As you can see, there is a lot of blank space on the left of the chart. And in fact, when rendered the chart looks like this on a PDF page:

enter image description here

How to I reduce that left padding? I don't see any relevant options anywhere, not in the chart area nor in the axis properties, there's no option to set a width for the various elements of the chart. What am I missing?


  • Its hard to tell without some sample data to reproduce but I would try setting the vertical axis min and max values to fixed values (0 and 1 or 0 and 100 depending on the type of value), also try setting the x-axis labels to be vertical to see if that has an influence.

    Finally you can check the 'CustomPosition` and CustomInnerPlotPosition properties of the Chart Area object (not the parent chart object)