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Create a MongoDB filter that looks for a fraction of a value

I have a list of price data I would like to iterate through to find when currentprice of a given item is less than half of its historical expectedprice.

I have a method that should return a list of items stored in MongoDB that are priced as such:

    public List<Sale> GetDeals()
        var collection = _database.GetCollection<Sale>("listOfSales");

        var filter = Builders<Sale>.Filter.Where(sale => sale.currentprice < sale.expectedprice * 0.5);

        return collection.Find(filter).ToList();

Problem is, I get the following error:

MongoDB.Driver.Linq.ExpressionNotSupportedException: 'Expression not supported: 0.5 in (Convert(sale.expectedprice, Double) * 0.5) because it was not possible to determine how to serialize the constant.'

My Sale class looks like this:

using MongoDB.Bson;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;

public class Sale
    public ObjectId id { get; set; }
    public long currentprice { get; set; }

    public long quantity { get; set; }

    public long expectedprice { get; set; }

Is there a better way I can use filters/aggregates/pipelines in MongoDB to do this?


  • It looks like this query is not supported by LINQ provider. You can do it via plain/raw MQL query.

                { $multiply: [ "$expectedprice", NumberDecimal("0.5")] }

    See here how it works. In c#, you can specify it in this way:

        FilterDefinition<Sale> filter = @"
                    { $multiply: [ ""$expectedprice"", NumberDecimal(""0.5"")] }

    The actual filter that will be sent to the server will be the same:

        { "$expr" : { "$lt" : ["$currentprice", { "$multiply" : ["$expectedprice", NumberDecimal("0.5")] }] } }

    Pay attention that currentprice and expectedprice must have the same name as in database, bson configuration like BsonElement won't affect filters in a raw MQL form. Btw attributes like JsonPropertyName also have no power here