When using get message trace, It doesn't display the result (just a blank space), it works for any other days I select, apart from this one - I have checked and can confirm there is only one message to display, so the count should be 1.
see the code I am using below
$inboundMessages = Get-MessageTrace -Start $objStartDTcount1 -End $objEndDTcount1 -RecipientAddress $mailbox
# Count the number of inbound messages
$inboundMessageCount = $inboundMessages.Count
Any advice would be much appreciated.
I have tried using an already working code, with a different date and the results are fine, but if I change it to the day I want that returns a blank result as well.
The day I am looking to get info from is a Sunday
Using ($inboundMessages) returns the output to show there is an email there, its just the count thats not display the number 1
update if I use, $inboundMessages | measure-object, I get (below)
Here is how I fixed the below,
If anyone has a better/tidier solution, I would appreciate it.
Instead of using .Count
use | measure-object | Select-Object -expand Count
It looks to seem that .count is not always accurate.
for example
$inboundMessages = Get-MessageTrace -Start $objStartDTcount1 -End $objEndDTcount1 -RecipientAddress $mailbox
# Count the number of inbound messages
$inboundMessageCount = $inboundMessages| measure-object | Select-Object -expand Count