I'm using peewee extensively with the play_house.db_url.connect
to connect to a database. This method allows for a lot of flexibility and it is very straightforward when opening a single connection to a database i.e., open and close a single connection.
However, this gets unclear when attempting to reuse the Pooled versions of the URL. For instance, if I do:
from playhouse.db_url import connect
db_url = 'postgresql+pool://...?max_connections=20&stale_timeout=300'
db = connect(db_url)
what is db ?? a single connection or a connection pool? in case it is the later, how do I from a multi-threaded application e.g. Flask, acquire a separate connection from the pool? using connect or connection? which one and why?
or do I instead, every time I need a new connection should do over again? or is this creating a new separate pool?
db = connect(db_url)
and if so will calling db.close_all()
apply to all the opened connections?
In the above, db = connect(...)
, db
is just a database instance. The database instance manages the connections.
Example code:
db = connect('postgresql+pool....')
# At this point no connections are opened.
# Now open a connection.
# Now call close() -- this will return the connection to the pool.
# Calling connect again will use the conn from the pool.
When your application has multiple threads, peewee will automatically ensure you have a connection-per-thread:
# thread 1:
db.connect() # Open a connection.
# thread 2:
db.connect() # Opens a separate connection.
Read the docs on connection management for more details, http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/peewee/database.html#connection-management