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Value of type 'MFMessageComposeViewController' has no member 'setUPIVerificationCodeSendCompletion'

I am trying to use setUPIVerificationCodeSendCompletion, a new instance method of MFMessageComposeViewController.

While trying to use it I am getting this error:
Value of type 'MFMessageComposeViewController' has no member 'setUPIVerificationCodeSendCompletion'.

The required entitlement( is also added to the app.

import MessageUI

class SendSms {
    func createMessageController() -> UIViewController {
        let vc = MFMessageComposeViewController()
        vc.setUPIVerificationCodeSendCompletion { result in
        return vc


  • As we observe the function setUPIVerificationCodeSendCompletion: written in Objective C language in MFMessageComposeViewController(UPI) category class and your code is written in swift language.

    So access these method in swift class, you have to import #import <MessageUI/MFMessageComposeViewController+UPI.h> in your project bridge header.