I dont understand why HTTP requests fail with 404 error when i start app on physical android device, but it works correct when i`m testing my app using web browser. With requests to https there are no problems.
I`ve tried to use capacitor-http instead axios, but it doesnt help.
function getBaseUrl(): string {
const personStore = usePersonStore();
return personStore.selectedMedInst.baseURL;
export async function allDeps(): Promise<ReceptionDTO[] | undefined> {
return (await Http.get({url: `${getBaseUrl()}/receptions`})).data
// const url = `${getBaseUrl()}/receptions`;
// const result = await axios.get<ReceptionDTO[]>(url);
// return result.data;
export async function allSpecs(): Promise<SpecialityDTO[] | undefined> {
const url = `${getBaseUrl()}/allspecs`;
const result = await axios.get<SpecialityDTO[]>(url);
return result.data;
And baseUrl i get from another pinia store (I use vue for my PWA). So, there is one of my base URL's:
So, i found a solution. To AndroidManifest i added this one -
and all works fine.