When I do "wmctrl -l" from WSL2, I get
wmctrl.exe -l
ID: Name: Title:
13028 WindowsTerminal C:\WINDOWS\system32\wmctrl.exe
..and when I do it from Windows, I get this:
ID: Name: Title:
13028 WindowsTerminal Windows PowerShell
How can I use this in AutoHotKey, cause I seem only to be able to use the Title, as this will not work:
if WinExist("WindowsTerminal")
Run wt
I'm able to match "Power", but that is the "title", which I don't want to match. I want to match on "name".
Also, what is the "name" here? It's not the executable name and it's not the Window Manager title, so I'm not sure what it really is;)
Use the Window Spy tool to retrieve information about that window:
If the window's title isn't always the same, you can use its ahk_class or/and ahk_exe:
; e.g. for explorer:
if WinExist("ahk_class CabinetWClass")
; or:
if WinExist("ahk_exe explorer.exe")
; or:
if WinExist("ahk_class CabinetWClass ahk_exe explorer.exe")