I have a dictionary where I want to return a dynamic list of the keys that would access any non-dict values. I do not know the structure of the dictionary beforehand and nesting could go n-levels.
"parent": {
"a": 1,
"b": {
"nested": "first"
From this dictionary, I want to return the following list of lists:
["parent", "a"],
["parent", "b", "nested"]
I plan to use this list with functools
and reduce
to get specific values out of the dictionary to build a new dictionary. I've tried a recursion function to lop through the dictionary items and check for isinstance(value, dict)
, but I'm having issues keeping the path together. Any help is much appreciated, thanks!
You can add the paths of the sub-dicts generated from recursive calls with the dict values to the keys of the current dict. Since you don't need leaf values, yield an empty list for them:
def paths(d):
if isinstance(d, dict):
yield from ([k, *p] for k, v in d.items() for p in paths(v))
yield []
so that:
d = {
"parent": {
"a": 1,
"b": {
"nested": "first"
[['parent', 'a'], ['parent', 'b', 'nested']]