Search code examples

00936. 00000 - "missing expression"

I have written pl/sql function getEmpNums('3A,5B,6B') , This function will return string like this "EMP_NO IN ('3A','5B','6B')" . I want to use this function in where clause . like below

SELECT EMP_NO FROM EMP_CUST_VALUES  WHERE (select getEmpNums('3A,5B,6B') from dual)

when i call like below getting "ORA-00936: missing expression". how to call function in where clause like this

I tried

SELECT EMP_NO FROM EMP_CUST_VALUES  WHERE (select getEmpNums('3A,5B,6B') from dual)

Its not working when i give directly its working



  • Although function your wrote probably returns what you wanted, the principle you chose works in a limited number of cases (Oracle Forms, Reports, maybe somewhere else) where you can substitute function result with a bind variable.

    Usually, you'd rather opt to return a collection and use it with a table function, either as a join or in a subquery. Here's an example.

    Function first; I used built-in datatype:

    SQL> create or replace function getempnums(par_str in varchar2)
      2    return sys.odcivarchar2list
      3  is
      4    retval sys.odcivarchar2list;
      5  begin
      6    select trim(regexp_substr(par_Str, '[^,]+', 1, level))
      7      bulk collect into retval
      8      from dual
      9      connect by level <= regexp_count(par_str, ',') + 1;
     10    return retval;
     11  end;
     12  /
    Function created.

    Sample table:

    SQL> select empno, ename from emp where rownum <= 5;
         EMPNO ENAME
    ---------- ----------
          7369 SMITH
          7499 ALLEN
          7521 WARD
          7566 JONES
          7654 MARTIN

    What does function return? A collection:

    SQL> select getempnums('7369,7499, 7521') from dual;
    ODCIVARCHAR2LIST('7369', '7499', '7521')

    How to use it: table function:

    SQL> select e.empno, e.ename
      2  from emp e join table(getempnums('7369,7499, 7521')) t on t.column_value = e.empno;
         EMPNO ENAME
    ---------- ----------
          7369 SMITH
          7499 ALLEN
          7521 WARD


    SQL> select e.empno, e.ename
      2  from emp e
      3  where e.empno in (select * from table(getempnums('7369,7499, 7521')));
         EMPNO ENAME
    ---------- ----------
          7369 SMITH
          7499 ALLEN
          7521 WARD