I have a parquet data there are some emoticons when I opened this in any online parquet viewer it showing data with emoticons same data if query in synapse instead of emoticons it shows (?? or \uD83E\uDD73).
Is there any suggestion on this?
I am expecting same emoji's can be seen in synapse workspace as well.
As an example I have tried the below approach writing the emoji data to Parquet & Delta Format and reading them.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder \
.appName("EmojisToDeltaExample") \
data = [('😊', 'This is a smiling emoji'),
('❤️', 'This is a heart emoji'),
('👍', 'This is a thumbs-up emoji')]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ['Emoji', 'Description'])
parquet_file_path = "abfss://[email protected]/example.parquet"
delta_file_path = "abfss://[email protected]/example_delta"
I have Queried the parquet data as Exteranl table from ADLS
I have used the Parquet file in the Copy activity to preview the data: