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Databricks can't "rescue" data from Parquet using schemaEvolutionMode="rescue", raises an error instead

I have parquet files with evolving schema, I need to load all of them into single Delta Table. My goal is to use Autoloader and schemaEvolutionMode="rescue" (so all fields from the source which are not aligned with the target schema should fall into "_rescued_data" column). I also provide .schema(target_schema) for autoloader. But when I read from some files I get this error:

Invalid Spark read type: expected optional group my_column (LIST) 
{ repeated group list { optional binary element (STRING); } } 
to be list but found Some(StringType)

my_column has data type String in the target table.

So why it was not loaded into _rescued_data column and raised the error instead?

The code which I'm using:

read_options = {
"cloudFiles.format": "parquet",
"cloudFiles.schemaLocation: "some location",
"cloudFiles.schemaEvolutionMode": "rescue"
.foreachBatch(<save function>)
.trigger("availableNow", True)

Databricks version is 13.2 (Spark 3.4.0, Scala 2.12)


  • The reason of the error was that "rescued_data" column was cleared after reading the dataframe (before writing).