I have a list of tuple and I'd like to convert the list into a string of tuple pair separted by comman. Not sure how to do it?
For example if I have list of this
a=[(830.0, 930.0), (940.0, 1040.0)]
I'd like to convert it to a string like this
b="(830.0, 930.0), (940.0, 1040.0)"
a=[(830.0, 930.0), (940.0, 1040.0), (1050.0, 1150.0), (1160.0, 1260.0), (1270.0, 1370.0), (1380.0, 1480.0), (1490.0, 1590.0)]
----> 2 b=','.join(a)
3 b
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, tuple found
Use f-strings or formatted string literals
and str.strip
a = [(830.0, 930.0), (940.0, 1040.0)]
b = f"{a}".strip("[]")
# (830.0, 930.0), (940.0, 1040.0)