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Adding a column indicating current count of non-missing rows for the same ID

I have a quick question about counting non-missing entries of a column. Let's say I have the data that looks like:


How do I add a new column counting the current number non-missing var1 for each ID (as below)?


The best I could do was to delete rows with var1==NA, and add the count for each ID. But I would like to know how to do it without deleting those rows. Thanks!


  • You can use cumsum on the complete.cases:

    data |> 
      mutate(count_nm = cumsum(complete.cases(var1)), .by = id)

    I also like the convenient collapse::fcumsum function which has a na.rm argument.

    data |> 
     mutate(count_nm = collapse::fcumsum(var1 > 0, na.rm = TRUE), .by = id)