In case of imgae, only one single value(number) in second queue.
How can I insert data(value in queue) into table use SQL?
"insert into table values ( queue )"
I want insert 1321 into table in this case.
Which variable or parameter can I use?
insert into table values ( ${???????})
Thank you for your answer.
In EvaluateJsonPath set parameter flowfile-content = flowfile-attribute
And set dynamic parameter with name sql.args.1.value
and value with current jsonpath.
After this change the number that you see in content should appear in attribute with corresponding name.
Then set query to insert into TableName values (?)
During execution nifi will use sql.args.1.value
instead of first ?
Probably you need to set a numeric type of the value #1 with attribute sql.args.1.type=2
- use Updateattributes processor for this. But I think it's optional for a simple type..