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How to replace a tag in html string to Vue 3 Component in Nuxt.js 3 project?

I'm using Nuxt.js v3.7.4 (SSR Mode), I have a response from api is a html string of a WYSIWYG editor like this

<custom-poll id="9" />

and I have a component Poll.vue that I want to use for replacing <custom-poll id="9" /> to <Poll id="9" />, I researched and I tried to use <Component :is="{template:...}" /> but it become flickering (it show up in 1 - 2 seconds then disappear from the DOM)

here is the demo of my issue:,app.vue,pages%2Findex.vue,components%2FPoll.vue

I want to replace the <custom-poll id="9" /> to <Poll id="9" /> Poll.vue component


  • Let's see the warn in console:

    [Vue warn]: Component provided template option but runtime compilation is not supported in this build of Vue. Configure your bundler to alias "vue" to "vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler.js".

    Then add this config to nuxt.config.ts

      vue: {
        runtimeCompiler: true,

    Here is docs.