I am looking to find a way to make a data frame that has each column a different group, to be a bar. The values below is are the data points for that respective group.
Goal: to make a bar chart with mean standard error with the marker plots on... I tried to put mean standard error bars on them, with each data point being labeled on the bar chart as well, but currently, I am facing with the issue of being able to plot the bars.
I looked on other stackoverflows, and other ggplot2 resources online for this. I'm not sure why I am blanking out on this...
In the column category, there are three groups that I would like to make a bar plot for. The ratio column has the data points.
category <- c("c1", "d1", "ff", "ff", "d1", "d1", "c1", "c1")
ratio <- c(3,2,5,6,1,1.5, 4, 4.5)
df <- data.frame(category, ratio)
I would appreciate any advice on this please! Thank you
These can be tricky. geom_bar()
by default just counts things in a single variable, and geom_col()
by default draws bars for each y value you supply it, and also stacks them on top of each other with its position = "stack"
default argument.
This basic method below has served me well and allows you to keep the data in long format with the measurements for each replicate.
Instead of geom_col()
, we use stat_summary()
to take the means of the y aesthetic and then we specify geom = "col"
. We do similarly for the errorbars. In these stat_
functions, we can use fun
for a single y aesthestic (as needed for geom_col
) or we can use fun.data
to return ymin
, y
, and ymax
, as called for by geom_errorbar()
. ggplot2::mean_se()
is a function meant specifically for stat_summary()
which returns these three values.
ggplot(df, aes(x = category, y = ratio)) +
geom = "col",
fun = mean
) +
geom = "errorbar",
fun.data = mean_se,
) +
This is somewhat ugly by default. We can spice it up by adding a fill
aesthetic to the bars, jitter to the points, and other visual details.
ggplot(df, aes(x = category, y = ratio)) +
aes(fill = category),
geom = "col",
fun = mean,
width = 0.85,
color = "black"
) +
geom = "errorbar",
fun.data = mean_se,
width = 0.5,
linewidth = 0.5
) +
shape = 21,
size = 2,
fill = "white",
position = position_jitter(width = 0.2)
) +
theme(legend.position = "none")