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Repeated Parent Patterns in scss

Is there a way to simplify such structure

$padding: 1rem;
ul a {
  padding-left: 0 * $padding;

ul ul a {
  padding-left: 1 * $padding;
ul ul ul a {
  padding-left: 2 * $padding;
ul ul ul ul a {
  padding-left: 3 * $padding;

That doesn't really feel right...

the only alternative i can comeup with is one below, but it also not really plesant to eye.

ul {
  a {
    padding-left: 0 * $padding;
    ul & {
      padding-left: 1 * $padding;
      ul & {
        padding-left: 2 * $padding;
        ul & {
          padding-left: 3 * $padding;


  • A simple nested for loop would do the job for you.

    Something like:

    $padding: 1rem;
    @for $i from 0 through 3 {
      $selector: 'ul';
      @for $j from 1 through $i {
        $selector: $selector + ' ul';
      #{$selector} a {
        padding-left: $i * $padding;

    Explanation of above code:

    • Outer @for loop iterates 0 through 3 times, for nested ul elements.
    • Inner @for loop iterates 1 through the current iteration of the outer loop, representing the currently iterating ul elements.
    • Finally, we can loop through the levels and build the selector string $selector by appending ul to it after which we can use the interpolation #{} to insert the selector string in the style rule.
