I am trying to debug an problem on a Magento 2. I have an error message that mentions the folder Magento\Catalog\Model\Category so I am trying to find this folder to help with debugging. This is either a Magento 2 problem of a general Linux problem depending on if this folder is part of the standard Magento 2 setup or possibly part of an extension. If it standard I would like to find where this folder is, and if it is not I would like to know the correct Linux command to find it.
I tried the command
find / -type d -name 'Magento'
This caused the entire screen fill with permission denied messages. I tried the command to exclude permission denied messages
find / -type d -name 'Magento' 2>/dev/null
This gave nothing which seems to indicate 'Magento' is in a folder that doesn't have read permissions. I looking for advice either on where to look for this folder or on how to temporarily override read permissions in the find command.