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MongoDB $lookup on doubly nested array of objects

I have a data model where each product has many variants and each variant has many modifications. In the database, it looks like this:

const mods = db.modifications.insertMany([
    title: 'Modification #1',
    image: 'img1.png',
    title: 'Modification #2',
    image: 'img2.png',
    title: 'Modification #3',
    image: 'img3.png',

  slug: 'product1',
  title: 'Product #1',
  variants: [
      size: 20,
      price: 200,
      modifications: [
        { id: mods.insertedIds[0], price: 10 },
        { id: mods.insertedIds[1], price: 15 },
      size: 30,
      price: 250,
      modifications: [
        { id: mods.insertedIds[0], price: 15 },
        { id: mods.insertedIds[2], price: 20 },

What I want is to do

  { $match: { slug: 'product1' } },
  // ?

To get the result that looks like this

  slug: 'product1',
  title: 'Product #1',
  variants: [
      size: 20,
      price: 200,
      modifications: [
        { _id: '…', title: 'Modification #1', image: '…', price: 10 },
        { _id: '…', title: 'Modification #2', image: '…', price: 15 },
      size: 30,
      price: 250,
      modifications: [
        { _id: '…', title: 'Modification #2', image: '…', price: 15 },
        { _id: '…', title: 'Modification #3', image: '…', price: 20 },

How to accomplish it in MongoDB?

I've tried to $unwind twice and then $lookup

  { $match: { slug: 'product1' } },
  { $unwind: '$variants' },
  { $unwind: '$variants.modifications' },
    $lookup: {
      from: 'modifications',
      localField: '',
      foreignField: '_id',
      let: { price: '$variants.modifications.price' },
      pipeline: [{ $addFields: { price: '$$price' } }],
      as: 'modifications',

but don't know how to $group (?) that data back.

Also, there's a similar question with the working solution. In my case though, the modifications array isn't just an array of ids, but has data within its elements (the price field) which I need to include in the result somehow.


  • You can achieve without the $unwind stage(s).

    1. $match

    2. $lookup - Fetch matched document from the modifications collection with _id in the flattened modIds ( and output as modifications array.

    3. $set - Set the variants field.

      3.1. $map - Iterate the variants array by merging the current v (variant) object and the object from the result 3.1.1.

      3.1.1. $map - The object contains the modifications array by iterating the modifications array, merging the current m (modification) object and the object from the result $first - Get the first matching element from the result $filter - Filter the matching document from the (root) modifications array with

    4. $unset - Remove "modifications" and "" fields.

        "$match": {
          slug: "product1"
        "$lookup": {
          "from": "modifications",
          "let": {
            modIds: {
              $reduce: {
                input: "$",
                initialValue: [],
                in: {
                  $concatArrays: [
          "pipeline": [
              "$match": {
                $expr: {
                  $in: [
          "as": "modifications"
        $set: {
          variants: {
            $map: {
              input: "$variants",
              as: "v",
              in: {
                $mergeObjects: [
                    modifications: {
                      $map: {
                        input: "$$v.modifications",
                        as: "m",
                        in: {
                          $mergeObjects: [
                              $first: {
                                $filter: {
                                  input: "$modifications",
                                  cond: {
                                    $eq: [
        $unset: [

    Demo @ Mongo Playground