I am facing an issue in nextjs middleware I am building a ecommerce app that has three actors [admin , customer , vendor] in middleware i have a function that decode the token from header cookies and then returns the data containing user email , id etc everything work good in logically routes , auth is perfect problem is , when user click on path like 'customer/cart or account' i want to validate if he is actually a registered user or not and if not middleware redirect it to auth/login the problem is it rewrite the url of auth/login to customer/account so after login where i have a code like router.push('/customer/account') doesn't seems to works its creating a complete mess in the rewrite is there any way preventing a rewrite and can work with redirect???
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'
import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server'
import { getDataFromToken } from './helpers/auth'
export async function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
const path = request.nextUrl.pathname
const token = request.cookies.get('token')?.value || ''
const userData = await getDataFromToken(request)
console.log("🚀 ~ file: middleware.ts:13 ~ middleware ~ userData:", userData)
// admin validation
const isAdminPath = path.startsWith('/admin');
if (isAdminPath && (token === '' || userData?.role !== 'admin')) {
return NextResponse.rewrite(new URL('/auth/login', request.url))
// customer validation
const isUserAccount = path.startsWith('/customer/account');
const isUserCart = path.startsWith('/customer/cart');
if (token && token !== '' && userData?.role === 'customer') {
return NextResponse.rewrite(new URL('/customer/account', request.url))
if ((isUserAccount || isUserCart) && (token === '' || userData?.role !== 'customer')) {
return NextResponse.rewrite(new URL('/auth/login', request.url))
export const config = {
matcher: [
Fixed it
if (request.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/admin'))
if (token === '' || userData === null || userData?.role !== 'admin') {
return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/auth/login', request.url))
if (request.nextUrl.pathname === '/auth/login' || request.nextUrl.pathname === '/auth/register')
if ((token !== '' || !token) && userData !== null && userData?.role === 'admin') {
return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/admin/home', request.url))
We can use Redirect simply by replacing Rewrite . this fix the issue for me