My scenario builder below does not like the variable ${data} in the doSwitch. Result in error:
Expected type was: (Any, io.gatling.core.structure.ChainBuilder) .doSwitch("${data}")
What is causing the issue?
val builder: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("Test")
.repeat(3) {
.feed(new DataFeeder())
.exec { session =>
val data = session("data").as[String]
println(s"data: $data")
.doSwitch("${data}") {
// Define cases for different data values
case "P1" =>
case "P2" =>
In the docs of doSwitch you have the following example of code
doSwitch("#{myKey}")( // beware: use parentheses, not curly braces! "foo" -> exec(http("name1").get("/foo")), "bar" -> exec(http("name2").get("/bar")) )
where the second parameter is between parentheses ( )
and not curly braces { }
. The comment in the code says don't use curly braces.
mean while you are doing this
.doSwitch("${data}") {
// Define cases for different data values
case "P1" =>
case "P2" =>
you are using curly braces and then adding case
followed by a value, then =>
(instead of ->
) and finally exec(...)
Your should be similar to
.doSwitch("${data}") (
// Define cases for different data values
"P1" -> exec(myFunc(1000000))
"P2" -> exec(myFunc(2000000))