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Expression as a function of symbols

I am new to using sympy so my question might be trivial.

I am trying to find a way to generate an expression as a function of other symbols.

To be more concise I have the following problem. I want to generate a symbolic representation of the relation between RPY-orientation angles and the rotation matrix produced by them. This is straight-forward. I can define an Rz(a) matrix,an Ry(b) and Rx(g) matrix and then compute their product

 Rx=Matrix([[1,0,0],[0,cos(g),-sin(g)],  [0,sin(pg),cos(pg)]])

As expected R will be a complex matrix expression of a,b,g Now, suppose I want also to compute a rotation matrix for a second rotation, with different angles. I could copy the above code, using different symbols

 Rx1=Matrix([[1,0,0],[0,cos(g1),-sin(g1)],  [0,sin(g1),cos(g1)]])

R1 would then be a complex expression of a1,b1,g1

I was wondering if there is a way to define a "symbolic function" that would produce the same result, by reusing the same code.

def SymRot(s1,s2,s3): = ...

so that

  SymRot(a,b,g) == R 
  SymRot(a1,b1,g1) == R1

where R and R1 are the expressions mentioned above


  • Unless I miss something, that is just a regular python function. Whose arguments happen to be symbols

    from sympy import Matrix, symbols, sin, cos
    def SymRot(a1, b1, g1):
        Rx=Matrix([[1,0,0],[0,cos(g1),-sin(g1)],  [0,sin(g1),cos(g1)]])
        return Rz*Ry*Rx
    a,b,g=symbols("a b g")
    a1,b1,g1=symbols("a1 b1 g1")

    Not 100% sure because there are some inconsistencies in your examples (you mention a symbol "pg" in the first version, that is not in the second. Not to mention the "1a" that is a lexical error. It would be easier if you posted copy&paste of code you actually ran)