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Is there a way I can have anonymous users and authenticated users in a Mosquitto MQTT server?

What I want to do is to allow_anonymous true and block unauthenticated users to certain topics.

I've tried the following but it doesn't seem to work as an anonymous client can still connect.

# anonymous users
topic deny /my/topic
# other topics should be fine...

user special
topic readwrite /my/topic


  • The following example works as intended:


    allow_anonymous true
    password_file passwd
    acl_file acl
    listener 1883


    topic deny foo
    topic read #
    user user
    topic readwrite #



    anonymous user subscribed to both foo and bar topics

    mosquitto_sub -v -t foo -t bar
    bar test-bar

    authenticated user publishing to both foo and bar topics

    mosquitto_pub -u user -P secret -t foo -m test-foo
    mosquitto_pub -u user -P secret -t bar -m test-bar

    As you see the anonymous user only sees messages on the bar topic