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GKE: Misunderstanding of values displayed in cpu quota

I have launched 2 kubernetes clusters with standard GKE. The first one is in Switzerland (europe-west6) and the second one in Australia (australia-southeast1). These two clusters are made up of 5 and 3 nodes respectively, representing a total of 32 vCPUs. I don't use any other Google Cloud services. However, in the quota screen (CPU all-region), it shows that 68 CPUs are currently in use, so I'm getting dangerously close to the maximum CPU all-region quota limit for my project.

I searched the Google Cloud documentation, without success.

How to explain these 68 CPUs?

Kubernetes clusters metadata

CPU quota


  • Could you verify that you are not utilizing an autoscaler cluster ? Because these tools scale deployments automatically, consuming quotas as they go.

    If you deploy workloads without setting resource values such as CPU and memory, Autoscaler cluster automatically resizes the number of nodes in a given node pool, based on the demands of your workloads.

    I believe you can view the resources consumed by your application more accurately by checking the quota page.

    In order to resolve CPU quota problems, the general recommendation is to use twice as many CPUs as you can. You'll need to request a quota increase and in your case, that would be about 160 vCPUs. You should confirm that both your E2 CPU quota (which is likely fine) and your total CPU quota (the one in your image) are set.

    If you are not using any auto-scaling and autopilot then Contact support for assistance.