I'm trying to write a TCL script to regsub a string within the contents of a file.
The string I'm searching for is a hexadecimal value denoted as X"12312312" I want to replace this string with another hexadecimal value, for example X"ABCDEF12"
As the hexadecimal value will change each time I run my script, I want the search to wildcard what's in between the quotes.
If I test my regsub as follows:-
regsub X"*" $content X"ABCDEF12"
(where $content is the file I've read in)
The regsub is succesfull, however when I inspect $content it has updated the hex value as follows:-
can anybody please guide me as to what I'm doing wrong?
many thanks in advance
Your use of the *
quantifier is wrong; you need to provide some atom that the quantifier applies to, e.g., .
for any character; better:
regsub -nocase -- {X"[A-Z0-9]*"} $content X"ABCDEF12"
Also, you want to set the case sensitivity explicitly!
As Donal suggests, you may turn on case-insensitive matching using an embedded option (?i)
regsub -- {(?i)X"[A-Z0-9]*"} $content X"ABCDEF12"