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Outlook 2016 Retrieve email attachments from enterprise vault

I have got email object and also attachment by using

Mail.attachments.count but archived email is not working because it is using enterprise vault.

I am getting attachments but archived email is not working and giving 0 or 1 count


  • I have gone through the body of the emails and found that when an email is archived, the attachments are shown either in two ways as below.


    <<Attachments data>>


    Attachments data

    In order to get the attachments, the below logic can be used:

    if(strEmailBody!=null && strEmailBody.LastIndexOf("<<") != -1 && strEmailBody.LastIndexOf(">>") != -1)
        iStartIndex = strEmailBody.LastIndexOf("<<") + 2;
        iLastIndex = strEmailBody.LastIndexOf(">>") - 2;
        string strAttachmentsData = strEmailBody.Substring(iStartIndex, iLastIndex - iStartIndex);
        var regexObj = new Regex(@".*\)");
        var allMatchResults = regexObj.Matches(strAttachmentsData);
    else if(strEmailBody != null &&  strEmailBody.LastIndexOf("Attachments:")!=-1)
        iStartIndex = strEmailBody.LastIndexOf("Attachments:") + 12;                                    
        string strAttachmentsData = strEmailBody.Substring(iStartIndex, strEmailBody.Length - iStartIndex-1);
        MatchCollection allMatchResults = null;
        var regexObj = new Regex(@".*\)");
        allMatchResults = regexObj.Matches(strAttachmentsData);