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Can I use AuditLog to add information to my exceptions?

I need to add a specific ID to a CustomException. Unfortunately the ID is hard to get and the only place it appears in my application is when the AuditLogInterceptor grabs the request and extracts it.

Is there a clean way/best practice to get the ID from the AuditRepository or should I leave it completely alone? Since the AuditRepository only persists in-outgoing requests and cleans the event DB, it feels kinda dirty to add a function just to get my information. And a general approach to get any information might be an security issue.

Maybe I could write another service just to intercept responses and extract information if that's possible and clean in any way?

I'm fairly new to spring, so please feel free to educate me if I misunderstood something here completely.


  • I've finally managed to solve my problem.

    In the end, I didn't want to touch the AuditLogInterceptor, so I've copied to logic and added a new Interceptor to get the request. There I extracted the ID and added it to the SecurityContextHolder.

    I've created a CustomAuthentication which uses the "decorator pattern" to extend the default authentication and giving me the ability to add a new customId field, without changing the current logic.

    This approach feels quite clean and secure.