I am trying to convert number into IP address using powershell method and checking same online, I am getting 2 different result.
number = 16812043
result1 = #using powershell
result2 = #https://codebeautify.org/decimal-to-ip-converter
I have tried below code
function Convert-NumberToIP
[Int64] $numberInt = 0
if([Int64]::TryParse($number, [ref]$numberInt))
if(($numberInt -ge 0) -and ($numberInt -le 0xFFFFFFFFl))
([IPAddress] $numberInt).ToString()
Convert-NumberToIP -number 16812043
I am getting 2 different result not sure which 1 is correct, or should I update the function.
[IPAddress]::Parse() can parse out IP addresses from multiple data types (including integer or string)
[Int] $ipInt = 16812043
([IPAddress]::Parse($ipInt) | Select -ExpandProperty IPAddressToString)
Also, if you want to do the inverse (converting an IP address to a integer), can do this using the following...
[String] $ipStr = ''
[IPAddress]::HostToNetworkOrder([BitConverter]::ToInt32([IPAddress]::Parse($ipStr).GetAddressBytes(), 0))