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large json file reading in nodejs with fs

i have a file almost 500 MB. that is been exported from firebase. now i want to add that data into mysql. here is the format of json file.

    "103597192838847432678": {
        "Galaxy A213": {
           "battery_level": "61",
           "connected_Wifi": "Mobile Data",
           "email_id": "canilda28@gmail",
           "last_Location_Lat": "11.8397285",
           "last_Location_Lng": "-15.6554222",
           "last_seen": "1697471866857",
        "Galaxy A231": {
           "battery_level": "61",
           "connected_Wifi": "Mobile Data",
           "email_id": "canilda28@gmail",
           "last_Location_Lat": "11.8397285",
           "last_Location_Lng": "-15.6554222",
           "last_seen": "1697471866857",
        "Galaxy A233": {
           "battery_level": "61",
           "connected_Wifi": "Mobile Data",
           "email_id": "canilda28@gmail",
           "last_Location_Lat": "11.8397285",
           "last_Location_Lng": "-15.6554222",
           "last_seen": "1697471866857",
    "103597192838847432679": {
        "Galaxy A213": {
           "battery_level": "61",
           "connected_Wifi": "Mobile Data",
           "email_id": "canilda28@gmail",
           "last_Location_Lat": "11.8397285",
           "last_Location_Lng": "-15.6554222",
           "last_seen": "1697471866857",
        "Galaxy A231": {
           "battery_level": "61",
           "connected_Wifi": "Mobile Data",
           "email_id": "canilda28@gmail",
           "last_Location_Lat": "11.8397285",
           "last_Location_Lng": "-15.6554222",
           "last_seen": "1697471866857",
        "Galaxy A233": {
           "battery_level": "61",
           "connected_Wifi": "Mobile Data",
           "email_id": "canilda28@gmail",
           "last_Location_Lat": "11.8397285",
           "last_Location_Lng": "-15.6554222",
           "last_seen": "1697471866857",
   "103597192838847432690": {
        "Galaxy A213": {
           "battery_level": "61",
           "connected_Wifi": "Mobile Data",
           "email_id": "canilda28@gmail",
           "last_Location_Lat": "11.8397285",
           "last_Location_Lng": "-15.6554222",
           "last_seen": "1697471866857",
        "Galaxy A231": {
           "battery_level": "61",
           "connected_Wifi": "Mobile Data",
           "email_id": "canilda28@gmail",
           "last_Location_Lat": "11.8397285",
           "last_Location_Lng": "-15.6554222",
           "last_seen": "1697471866857",
        "Galaxy A233": {
           "battery_level": "61",
           "connected_Wifi": "Mobile Data",
           "email_id": "canilda28@gmail",
           "last_Location_Lat": "11.8397285",
           "last_Location_Lng": "-15.6554222",
           "last_seen": "1697471866857",

what is have tried is this.

const express = require("express");
const db = require("../config/db");
const fs = require('fs');
const JSONStream = require('JSONStream');
const filePath = "./src/data/data.json";
const router = express.Router();"/", checkServer);
router.get("/", checkServer);
router.put("/", checkServer);
router.delete("/", checkServer);
module.exports = router;

async function checkServer(req, res, next) {
    const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, { encoding: 'utf8' } );
    //const parser = JSONStream.parse('*');
    const parser = JSONStream.parse('*.*');
    parser.on('data', (jsonObject) => {
    parser.on('end', () => {
        console.log('All JSON objects processed.');
        status: true,
        successMessage: "Server is running Here",

the data that i have get in the jsonObject is

"Galaxy A231": {
           "battery_level": "61",
           "connected_Wifi": "Mobile Data",
           "email_id": "canilda28@gmail",
           "last_Location_Lat": "11.8397285",
           "last_Location_Lng": "-15.6554222",
           "last_seen": "1697471866857",

it is missing the key of the object. how can i read the entire object like this.

 "103597192838847432678": {
        "Galaxy A213": {
           "battery_level": "61",
           "connected_Wifi": "Mobile Data",
           "email_id": "canilda28@gmail",
           "last_Location_Lat": "11.8397285",
           "last_Location_Lng": "-15.6554222",
           "last_seen": "1697471866857",
        "Galaxy A231": {
           "battery_level": "61",
           "connected_Wifi": "Mobile Data",
           "email_id": "canilda28@gmail",
           "last_Location_Lat": "11.8397285",
           "last_Location_Lng": "-15.6554222",
           "last_seen": "1697471866857",
        "Galaxy A233": {
           "battery_level": "61",
           "connected_Wifi": "Mobile Data",
           "email_id": "canilda28@gmail",
           "last_Location_Lat": "11.8397285",
           "last_Location_Lng": "-15.6554222",
           "last_seen": "1697471866857",


  • Just pass the emitKey: true parameter then you will get key and value pair object

    More on DOC

      async function checkServer(req, res, next) {
        const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, { encoding: 'utf8' } );
        const parser = fileStream.pipe(JSONStream.parse([{emitKey: true}])); //here
        parser.on('data', async (jsonObject) => {
            parser.pause(); // this will pause the next read
            const key = jsonObject.key;
            const value = jsonObject.value;
            await somefunction(key,value); // insert into db
            parser.resume(); // continue to read next object
        parser.on('end', () => {
            console.log('All JSON objects processed.');
            status: true,
            successMessage: "Server is running Here",