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issue with inserting list of items in Room data base

I am trying to fetch news from API and trying to insert list of articles in Database. I am getting list size = 20 from API but database has only 1 row....inserting only last item from the list of articles.

What is missing in below code?

Room DAO:

@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
fun insertArticles(newsLocal: List<NewsLocal>?)


suspend fun refreshArticles(category: String) {
    val articles = apiService.getTopHeadlines()
    withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {

Model Mapper:

fun NewsRemote.ArticlesItem.toLocalNews(): NewsLocal {
val sourceObj = Source(
    sourceId = this.source?.id ?: "",
    name = this.source?.name ?: ""

return NewsLocal(
    id = 0,
    publishedAt = this.publishedAt,
    author =,
    urlToImage = this.urlToImage,
    description = this.description,
    source = sourceObj,
    title = this.title,
    url = this.url,
    content = this.content
fun NewsRemote.toLocalNewsList(): List<NewsLocal> {
val newsLocalList: MutableList<NewsLocal> = mutableListOf()
this.articles?.forEach { articleItem ->
    if (articleItem != null) {
        val localNews = articleItem.toLocalNews()
    return newsLocalList


  • Use this model. this you face this issue becoz you are always tell that insert that in 0 potion on the db. i assume that id is you primary key and also auto increment.

        publishedAt = this.publishedAt,
        author =,
        urlToImage = this.urlToImage,
        description = this.description,
        source = sourceObj,
        title = this.title,
        url = this.url,
        content = this.content