Xcode New User here. Thank you for taking the time.
I have downloaded an Xcode build file and I'm trying to compile it but I am getting the error " Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: OpaqueCam" is Xcode managed, but signing settings require a manually managed profile."
The Code I am trying to use is SwiftCamera.
I am a developer and requested a certificate in Keychain. I then went to the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles and created a new profile for iOS and imported my certificate. I imported that certificate back into Keychain and tried to import it into Xcode but it the program wouldn't see the file (greyed out) so I exported it from Keychain and found it in my \Library and copied it my desktop.
I was able to import it into Xcode and when I compiled, I got the error for a "manually managed profile"
The following steps worked for me:
. Click Try Again.You'll notice that I left the "Automatically manage signing" checkmark checked.