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Creating a 3 column Data Frame in Pandas

I want to scrape a soccer website to create a dataset in Pandas. I don't know how to input the scraped data information of the players into 3 columns(name, league, soccer team) and also add the country to fit into a table/data frame.

The information has been scraped, all be it not very neatly, but I'm not sure (nor do I know how) i should create an array and loop the information into lists or arrays.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import requests

url = ''
req = requests.get(url,headers={'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0'})
page = req
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html')
table = soup.find_all('table', class_="playersabroad table")
player_country = soup.find_all('th')
player_country_header = [country.text.strip() for country in player_country]


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['player-name', 'League', 'team_name'])
#df = pd.DataFrame(columns = player_country_header ) df

table_data = soup.find_all('td')
    player_data_list=[data.text.strip() for data in table_data]
    #length = len(df)
    #df.loc[length] = player_data_list


  • With , here is a proposition with a post-processed read_html :

    cols = ["player-name", "League", "team_name"]
    tmp = pd.read_html(requests.get(
        url, headers={"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}).content)[0]
        # the `#storage_options` argument throws an HTTPError
    df = (
        tmp.T.reset_index().T # to slip down the incorrect 'England' header
            .assign(country=lambda x: x.pop(3).str.split(".").str[0].ffill())
            .iloc[1:].loc[tmp.iloc[:, -1].isna()]
            .set_axis(cols + ["country"], axis=1)

    Output :

          player-name          League          team_name  country
    0        A. Iwobi  Premier League             Fulham  England
    1      T. Awoniyi  Premier League  Nottingham Forest  England
    2         O. Aina  Premier League  Nottingham Forest  England
    3       F. Onyeka  Premier League          Brentford  England
    4       C. Bassey  Premier League             Fulham  England
    ...           ...             ...                ...      ...
    1078   S. Danjuma   Yemeni League      Al Ahli San'a    Yemen
    1079  M. Alhassan   Yemeni League    Yarmuk al Rawda    Yemen
    1080     A. Nweze   Yemeni League    Yarmuk al Rawda    Yemen
    1081  A. Olalekan   Yemeni League      Al Sha'ab Ibb    Yemen
    1082     A. Adisa   Yemeni League          Al Urooba    Yemen
    [975 rows x 4 columns]