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How to get the ReturnType for a UseQuery definition

I am trying to make a generic TypeScript wrapper for RTKQ queries. The last piece of that goal that I am stuck on is getting the return type for a generic, or even specific, query. Below I will include some of the main lines of code in my test but here is a code sandbox which shows my full code.

type EndpointKey = keyof typeof api.endpoints;
type Endpoint<EndpointName extends EndpointKey> = typeof injectedAPI.endpoints[EndpointName];
type ReturnQuery<E extends EndpointKey> = Endpoint<E>["useQuery"];

// Type is Record<string, any> & UseQuerySubscriptionResult<> - where is the UseQueryStateResult<> at? Might not be relevant but seems suspicious.
type PuppiesQueryReturnType = ReturnType<ReturnQuery<"getPuppies">>;

const queryReturn: PuppiesQueryReturnType = {} as PuppiesQueryReturnType;
const { data, foo, refetch, isLoading, error } = queryReturn; // All values have type any except for refetch

I am not sure if this is a potential bug in the types for RTKQ or if there is some step I am missing or doing incorrectly.

Note: Not all of this is my original code. Much of it is copied from various posts across the internet.


  • It looks like the answer to my problems is the Type TypedUseQueryHookResult from @reduxjs/toolkit/dist/query/react/buildHooks. I can't find a reference to it in the docs but if anyone has the link please comment and I will update.

    Using this I can do something like

    type QueryResultInfered<E extends EndpointKey> = Endpoint<E> extends ApiEndpointQuery<
      QueryDefinition<infer QueryArgs, infer BaseQuery, any, infer ResultType>,
      ? TypedUseQueryHookResult<ResultType, QueryArgs, BaseQuery>
      : never;

    there might be a simpler way to do this without the inference but this will do the trick.

    Thanks to acemarke on the Reactiflux Discord for the help!