I am trying to find numbers in a list that amount to a given sum. I managed to calculate all combinations of numbers and their sums with a concise syntax. But I do not manage to restructure the resulting nested list into a nested list of different type.
# raw data and basic operation
dt <- data.table(
amount = c(2,5,9)
# nesting combinations into the data.table
amount.set = map(1:.N,function(x) combn(amount,x)),
sum = map(1:.N,function(x) colSums(combn(amount,x)))
# desired structure of nested list
desired.output <- data.table(
sum = c(2,5,9,7,11,14,16),
amount.set = list(c(2),c(5),c(9),c(2,5),c(2,9),c(5,9),c(2,5,9))
How can I achieve the structure in desired.output
Not sure if we need the intermediate calcs, we can do that with:
data.table( id = 1:3, amount = c(2,5,9)
)[, .(amount.set = unlist(lapply(1:.N, combn, x = amount, simplify = FALSE),
recursive = FALSE))
][, sum_ := sapply(amount.set, sum)][]
# amount.set sum_
# <list> <num>
# 1: 2 2
# 2: 5 5
# 3: 9 9
# 4: 2,5 7
# 5: 2,9 11
# 6: 5,9 14
# 7: 2,5,9 16
is equivalent to map
, which means that each combination (e.g., c(2,5)
) is in its own list instead of a matrix (where each column is a combination);unlist