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Loop optimization in R

So... I'm trying to optimize for loppings in R.

My problem is: I have a multidimensional array (6 layers) and I want to get a matrix as answer. For each cell position (i,j) I need to apply a function that uses the 6 values in the position i,j and returns for the probability for each pixel.

My first idea was to create two nested for-loops scanning each pixel position and applying this function. However, as my matrix has many elements (approximately 2000 x 2000 x 6), it is taking TOO long to calculate the function at each pixel position. I would like to know if there is any way to optimize this calculation. I tried using the "apply" function using both dimensions as parameters of MARGIN {MARGIN = c(1,2)} but apparently I'm computing something wrong.

Below is an example of the first version of my code:

data <- c(
  8247, 9240, 8875, 20534, 14334, 10797,
  8090, 9081, 8364, 21301, 13496, 9599,
  8089, 8922, 8620, 19769, 13601, 9749,
  8477, 9554, 9383, 18693, 14649, 10498,
  8476, 9711, 9637, 17616, 14649, 10348,
  8164, 8921, 8873, 16844, 12763, 9449,
  8008, 8285, 8106, 17309, 12239, 8999,
  7929, 8445, 7977, 19003, 12449, 8999,
  7850, 8284, 7977, 18080, 12345, 8850,
  8083, 8443, 7976, 19158, 12449, 8999,
  8401, 9713, 9638, 18691, 14858, 10947,
  8400, 9555, 9257, 18846, 14544, 10498,
  8399, 9239, 9256, 18077, 15068, 10947,
  8477, 9554, 9510, 17924, 15382, 11096,
  8397, 9711, 9637, 17770, 14859, 10648,
  8164, 9238, 8873, 18079, 13183, 9749,
  7852, 8603, 8106, 18695, 12449, 9150,
  7774, 8603, 7977, 18850, 12449, 8999,
  7773, 8444, 8105, 18235, 12345, 8999,
  7849, 8443, 8104, 18235, 12449, 9300,
  8556, 9713, 9893, 18230, 15277, 11246,
  8632, 9712, 9893, 17769, 15591, 10947,
  8631, 9397, 9638, 17461, 16324, 11546,
  8476, 9396, 9383, 17924, 15591, 11397,
  8553, 9553, 9637, 18078, 14649, 10648,
  8163, 8920, 8873, 17771, 13078, 9898,
  7852, 8603, 8105, 18542, 12555, 8999,
  7851, 8444, 8105, 19311, 12659, 8999,
  7772, 8444, 8104, 18851, 12555, 8999,
  7771, 8443, 8104, 19005, 12555, 8999,
  8478, 9871, 10020, 17615, 15068, 10948,
  8632, 9712, 10020, 17615, 15381, 11246,
  8554, 9554, 9766, 17461, 15382, 11096,
  8476, 9554, 9510, 17924, 15172, 11097,
  8397, 9553, 9383, 17462, 15278, 11097,
  8086, 9078, 8745, 18849, 13812, 10199,
  7695, 8761, 8233, 20233, 13079, 9150,
  7851, 8602, 8233, 20387, 12869, 9450,
  7927, 8602, 8104, 20388, 12869, 9150,
  7926, 8760, 8232, 20849, 13393, 9599,
  8633, 9871, 9893, 17461, 15278, 11247,
  8633, 9713, 10020, 17308, 15278, 11247,
  8477, 9870, 9893, 17615, 15172, 11246,
  8708, 9711, 9637, 17616, 15172, 10947,
  8397, 9238, 9382, 17462, 15068, 10797,
  8086, 8920, 8745, 18695, 14126, 10199,
  7929, 8919, 8233, 20847, 13393, 9150,
  7850, 8919, 8360, 20847, 13393, 8999,
  7927, 8760, 8232, 20848, 13183, 9450,
  7926, 8759, 8231, 20849, 13289, 9450,
  8710, 9713, 10020, 17770, 15278, 11097,
  8632, 9713, 9893, 17770, 15173, 11098,
  8476, 9870, 9893, 18079, 15069, 11247,
  8397, 9711, 9765, 17770, 15068, 10947,
  8164, 9238, 9128, 17771, 14545, 10648,
  8085, 8920, 8361, 19003, 13602, 9898,
  8007, 8919, 8361, 20847, 13393, 9150,
  7927, 8919, 8360, 20848, 13497, 9300,
  7927, 8760, 8360, 21155, 13393, 9450,
  7848, 8759, 8231, 20543, 13393, 9450,
  8556, 9871, 9893, 17462, 14963, 11097,
  8555, 9713, 9893, 17462, 14964, 11098,
  8632, 9712, 9766, 17771, 15279, 11098,
  8554, 9712, 9511, 18388, 14650, 10648,
  8319, 9395, 9128, 20386, 13916, 10199,
  8085, 9078, 8489, 20693, 13602, 9599,
  8084, 8919, 8233, 21307, 13497, 9300,
  8006, 8919, 8232, 21614, 13393, 9450,
  8005, 8760, 8232, 21155, 13393, 8999,
  8004, 8759, 8103, 20543, 13079, 9450,
  8633, 9870, 9893, 17308, 15278, 11247,
  8555, 9870, 10020, 17462, 15173, 11098,
  8554, 9555, 9511, 18233, 14860, 10948,
  8009, 8922, 8618, 19926, 13917, 10199,
  7852, 8604, 8106, 21766, 13498, 9599,
  8007, 8761, 8233, 21306, 13497, 9300,
  7928, 8761, 8232, 21001, 13497, 9150,
  7849, 8602, 8232, 20388, 13183, 9300,
  7926, 8601, 8231, 20235, 13183, 9150,
  7770, 8601, 8103, 20083, 13184, 9150,
  8323, 9397, 9257, 19156, 14963, 10797,
  8399, 9396, 9257, 18849, 15279, 10797,
  8243, 9238, 8873, 20079, 14336, 10049,
  7853, 8604, 8234, 20234, 13288, 9150,
  8008, 8445, 8106, 20235, 13078, 9300,
  7928, 8444, 8105, 19927, 12973, 9300,
  7850, 8444, 8105, 18389, 12869, 9300,
  7849, 8602, 8232, 18389, 12764, 9300,
  7848, 8442, 8231, 20082, 12659, 9450,
  7847, 8442, 8103, 20390, 12869, 9150,
  8090, 8764, 8492, 20232, 13183, 9300,
  8011, 8605, 8364, 19925, 13183, 9300,
  7932, 8446, 8107, 19926, 13078, 9150,
  8009, 8445, 7978, 19158, 12764, 9000,
  7930, 8603, 8105, 19313, 12555, 9150,
  7929, 8603, 8233, 19928, 12660, 9300,
  7927, 8444, 7976, 19312, 12555, 8999,
  7849, 8601, 8104, 19159, 12555, 8850,
  7848, 8442, 8103, 20082, 13079, 9300,
  7925, 8600, 8103, 20390, 13289, 9300

image <- array(data, dim = c(10, 10, 6))

num_classes = 2

params<- vector("list", num_classes)
mean_vector1 = c(7889.362,  8412.398,  8046.333, 17008.465, 11883.484,  8895.631)
mean_vector2 = c(8055.359,  8979.759,  8421.408, 21060.805, 13810.918,  9664.242)

covariance_matrix1 = matrix(c(
  9004.794,  3393.195,  3512.241,  11185.344,  8613.778,  4262.351,
  3393.195,  12405.309,  6722.598,  33555.189,  15467.398,  6200.901,
  3512.241,  6722.598,  14015.815,  21658.040,  15597.915,  8170.201,
  11185.344, 33555.189, 21658.040, 567199.44, 161168.165, 46471.445,
  8613.778, 15467.398, 15597.915, 161168.16, 137379.407, 45141.111,
  4262.351, 6200.901, 8170.201, 46471.44, 45141.111, 35420.010
), nrow = 6, byrow = TRUE)

covariance_matrix2 = matrix(c(
  13137.14, 16641.66, 13388.65, 53306.99, 42323.70, 24993.38,
  16641.66, 50107.41, 32027.36, 136436.34, 96649.78, 54599.03,
  13388.65, 32027.36, 33801.94, 66746.02, 75361.02, 45798.90,
  53306.99, 136436.34, 66746.02, 1037747.24, 418523.62, 203725.86,
  42323.70, 96649.78, 75361.02, 418523.62, 306097.86, 167889.17,
  24993.38, 54599.03, 45798.90, 203725.86, 167889.17, 115735.97
), nrow = 6, byrow = TRUE)

params[[1]] <- list(mean = mean_vector1, covariance_matrix = covariance_matrix1)
params[[2]] <- list(mean = mean_vector2, covariance_matrix = covariance_matrix2)

classified_image <- matrix(0, nrow(image), ncol(image))

for (row in 1:nrow(image)) {
  for (col in 1:ncol(image)) {
    pixel <- image[row, col,]
    class_probabilities <- numeric(num_classes)
    # Calcular probabilidades para cada classe
    for (i in 1:num_classes) {
      parameters <- params[[i]]
      class_probabilities[i] <- gaussian_probability(pixel,parameters)
    # Atribuir a classe com maior probabilidade
    max_prob_class <- which.max(class_probabilities)
    classified_image[row, col] <- max_prob_class

gaussian_probability <- function(pixel,parameters){
  mean_vector = parameters$mean
  det_cov <- det(covariance_matrix)
  inv_cov <- solve(covariance_matrix)
  exponent = -0.5 * (pixel - mean_vector) %*% inv_cov %*% as.vector(t(pixel - mean_vector))
  coef = 1 /sqrt(((2*pi)^d)*det_cov)
  probability = coef * exp(exponent)

In my second version, I'm trying to use something like this (just to show what I'm trying to do):

image_probabilities <- array(0, dim = c(10, 10, num_classes))

for (i in 1:num_classes){
  parameters <- params[[i]]
  image_probabilities[[i]] <- gaussian_class_likelihood(image,parameters)}

gaussian_class_likelihood <- function(image, parameters){
  image.array = as.array(image) 
  probability_image <- apply(image.array, MARGIN = c(1,2),  function(pixel) {
    class_probabilities <- gaussian_probability(pixel, parameters)

The first approach is impractical because of the amount of time it takes to calculate each pixel...Could you help me to solve this problem?


  • It appears that the final product is classified_image, rather than the probabilities for each pixel. The solution below uses three strategies:

    1. Vectorization. The calculations will be much, much faster when done all at once. The only loops needed are over the classes.
    2. Some of the probabilities are very small. To maintain precision (and simplify the calculations), use the log probabilities instead.
    3. Since the probabilities are only compared to each other, you need only something that is proportional to the probabilities (or log probabilities) being compared (e.g., multiplying two probabilities by sqrt((2*pi)^6) does not affect the result of a comparison to determine which one is larger, and neither does taking the square root of both probabilities). If the actual probabilities are needed for some other portion of the code not shown in the question, completing the calculations is straightforward.

    Applying the two solutions as functions to compare timings:

    Proposed solution:

    f2 <- function() {
      image2 <- matrix(image, 6, 100, 1)
      mean_vector <- list(mean_vector1, mean_vector2)
      covariance_matrix <- list(covariance_matrix1, covariance_matrix2)
      image_centered <- lapply(mean_vector, \(v) image2 - v)
      det_cov <- lapply(covariance_matrix, det)
      inv_cov <- lapply(covariance_matrix, solve)
      # get the image classifications
            function(i) {
                crossprod(image_centered[[i]], inv_cov[[i]])*t(image_centered[[i]])
              ) + log(det_cov[[i]])
          ), "f"
        ), 10, 10

    Original solution (modified to use log probabilities):

    f1 <- function() {
      params <- vector("list", num_classes)
      params[[1]] <- list(mean = mean_vector1, covariance_matrix = covariance_matrix1)
      params[[2]] <- list(mean = mean_vector2, covariance_matrix = covariance_matrix2)
      classified_image <- matrix(0L, nrow(image), ncol(image))
      gaussian_probability <- function(pixel,parameters){
        mean_vector = parameters$mean
        det_cov <- det(covariance_matrix)
        inv_cov <- solve(covariance_matrix)
        return(-(pixel - mean_vector) %*% inv_cov %*% as.vector(t(pixel - mean_vector)) - log(det_cov))
      for (row in 1:nrow(image)) {
        for (col in 1:ncol(image)) {
          pixel <- image[row, col,]
          class_probabilities <- numeric(num_classes)
          # Calcular probabilidades para cada classe
          for (i in 1:num_classes) {
            parameters <- params[[i]]
            class_probabilities[i] <- gaussian_probability(pixel,parameters)
          # Atribuir a classe com maior probabilidade
          max_prob_class <- which.max(class_probabilities)
          classified_image[row, col] <- max_prob_class

    Timing (and checking that the results are identical):

      check = "identical"
    #> Unit: microseconds
    #>  expr    min      lq     mean median      uq    max neval
    #>  f1() 4874.0 5122.95 5697.924 5341.0 5706.90 8474.6   100
    #>  f2()  104.5  120.35  156.873  147.1  184.05  299.9   100