I have the same problem after upgrading Typo3 CMS from version 8 to version 9, the upgrade wizard don't run and show this error:
Ajax error
Deprecated: Automatic TCA migration done during bootstrap. Please adapt TCA accordingly, these migrations will be removed. The backend module "Configuration -> TCA" shows the modified values. Please adapt these areas: The TCA table 'pages_language_overlay' is not used anymore and has been removed automatically in order to avoid negative side-effects. in /home/deindesi/public_html/typo3_src-9.5.31/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Utility/ExtensionManagementUtility.php on line 1731
I have tried to clear the cache, also i have set the display errors to 1.
I don't know how to change this TCA config so the upgrade can run?
If anyone is still experiencing this problem after disabling all extensions:
After removing the following line in the 'SYS' section of the LocalConfiguration.php, I was able to access the upgrade wizard again.
'errorHandler' => '',