Say we have the following in Cython:
ctypedef struct Structure:
int* array
int size
cdef print_fx(Structure obj):
cdef create_object(int size):
cdef Structure result
result.size = size
result.array = <int*>malloc(size*sizeof(int))
for i in range(size):
result.array[i] = 1
return result
And I want to use print_fx
without explicitly creating the specific object:
If I were to write:
cdef Structure testobj = create_object(3)
I have to free the pointer in the struct.
If I use it directly, print_fx(create_object(3))
, does it get freed automatically after the Cell in Jupyter runs?
No, it won't. You will always have to free the malloced memory manually, otherwise it causes memory leak and your program or computer will crash eventually.
%load_ext Cython
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
cdef struct teststruct:
int * array
int size
cdef teststruct create_object(int size):
cdef teststruct result
cdef int i
result.size = size
result.array = <int *> malloc(size * sizeof(int))
for i in range(size):
result.array[i] = 1
return result
lm = 100000
def outer_func_1():
cdef teststruct testobj = create_object(lm)
i = testobj.array[0]
def outer_func_2():
i = create_object(lm).array[0]
for i in range(1000000):
outer_func_1() #will never crash no matter how many times it repeated
for i in range(100000):
outer_func_2() #crashed